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Creating an e-mail account (How-to)

As a subscriber of the company ООО "Версия", you can create and modify your e-mail account directly on the site www.canmos.ru without the administrator input. For that purpose, there is a selection of 7 domain names, as well as numeric domain names that can be used to create e-mail accounts; for example. Numeric e-mail accounts can be very convenient and practical to use when they correspond with a phone number.

Using the mail server and domain names is free for our subscribers. Subscribers can create up to 21 e-mail accounts, each up to 3 GB in size.

To create an e-mail account, follow these instructions:

1. Go on the sire www.canmos.ru

2. Click on "Subscribers" tab («Абонентам») on the top of the page. Then select "Subscriber login" ( «Вход для абонентов» ). You may also select "Subscriber login" ( "ВХОД ДЛЯ АБОНЕНТОВ" ) on the left. (see figure 1 below).

figure 1.

3. Enter the login and password assigned to you by the administrator to access your subscriber account, which also countains your user statistics (figure 2). Your login and password are automatically assigned to you by the administrator when you subscribe to ООО "Версия".

figure 2

5. Choose the option "Create new account", second option from the top («Регистрация нового почтового ящика» )


figure 3

5. Enter the requested information


figure 4

    Name (Имя) Any
   Last Name (Фамилия) Optional
    Date of Birth (Дата рождения) Optional
    Gender (Пол) Optional
    Username (Почтовый ящик) eg. Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
   Password (Пароль) You may also use the random password generator
    Repeat password (Повторите пароль)
    Mailbox size (Макс. размер ящика) 100 MB to 3 GB
    Mail forwarding option (Переадресация) Enter where you wish your mail to be forwarded or leave blank
    Mailbox description (Описание ящика) Optional

In the next 2 fields, you may choose how long to save your e-mails and spam (respectively). The default is "indefinitely", but you may scroll down to choose a custom time limit.

After filling in the information, click "Create" ( «Создать» )

6. Mailbox has been created. If you would like to create another mailbox, click on "Create one more" ("Создать ещё один" ). To return to the main menu, click on " Subscriber login" («Вход для абонентов» )


figure 5

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© Телекоммуникационная компания OOO "ВЕРСИЯ". С 2002 года успешной работы в IT-сфере. Адрес офиса 107031, г.Москва, Малый Кисельный пер., д.1/9.